Sunday, November 20, 2011

Newt and I Agree on Occupy Wall Street

Just check this out!!  I am not wealthy. In fact I seem to be always starting over, and am concerned that I may never be able to retire. BUT...this country is not a socialistic state and I pray it will not become one. I admit it is tough to 'Get a Job" right now, but HOPE for the future hinges on Americans getting it together. I would still like to see a "Pride in America" movement. Buy AMERICAN-put Americans to work. Bring back overseas jobs and outsourcings-offer Big Business incentives to do it. We can survive this if we work on it together and get back to the foundations that built our country. No one owes anyone a free ride. Get a life and get on with it!!!

God Bless America, even if we don't deserve it any more!!! Bring us back to YOU!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Americans...where are YOU???

I am PROUD to be an American, but really scared of what I see. Class wars are preemptive for SOCIALISM. It is the AMERICAN way to find success. The successful become more successful. That is what we have always been about.

We have become whiny and pathetic. Imagine...protesting over the fact that some have more than you do. We are in a RECESSION-a lot of us are hurting financially. But where is the AMERICAN spirit? We can get through this!! We don't need the government to provide a life for us. Get a life for yourself!!

Politicians are promoting a bunch of BS to get back on track.. Well, why not a "Pride in America" movement?? Dollars to motivate bringing back all of of the outsourced jobs, or penalties to corporations that outsource to begin with.. Americans should be  working  for American companies!!

Unions had a place in our history. They protected and safeguarded American workers-then they priced us right out of the competition. We don't need unions-we need JOBS!!!!

If you want Socialism, go live somewhere else! IF you want handouts go someplace else. IF you are in this country illegally then start working on becoming LEGAL. If you want to live in the BEST country on earth than do something about it If you don't then leave!